Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Aruba girls trip 2024!

Alicia, Aimee, Laurie, and I went on our first trip together to Miami in 2014, so this marks 20 years of traveling together! I was lucky to find them so early in life. We threw around a few options for this year’s trip and came up with Aruba.

Day one

Aimee picked up the rental car and groceries before we even got in! We rented from Econo. The car had lots of dents and scratches so Aimee just took pictures of it all so we weren’t docked for any of them.

We rented an Airbnb – Villa Primavera. I’d suggest booking on this section of the island because we could walk to the beach and restaurants. We picked up Laurie and Alicia and walked to Moomba Beach for dinner right as the sun was setting.

Day two

We piled in the car and admired Aimee’s driving ability, as she’s the driver in all our countries. Aruba loves roundabouts, and we saw only two stop signs the entire time we were there – and no one stopped at them! She really just had to go for it in those roundabouts.

We wanted to hike in Arikok National Park, so we paid $80 for the four of us. We drove into the park and headed for the water. Then we somehow got turned around and it took us a few minutes to find the car again. We meant to park at the start of the Conchi Natural Pool trailhead, and we found that and parked there. It was unmarked, but we were able to find it with the help of the map from the Visitor’s Center and the GPS on our phones.

There was a lot of cactus and the heat was without much humidity, and I didn’t really think about Aruba being a desert before we got there. We saw many lizards – some teal.

We hiked to the gorgeous coast and went to the pool, where you could swim, and I jumped from the high rocks into the water. Very fun and very beautiful. I loved the views along this hike, which was about 3 miles.

We stopped to get gas and when we got out, an Aruban woman told us “bad girl” - we couldn’t approach the gas tank from that direction. We all had to go in the same direction, no matter what side the gas tank was on, and the hose was long enough to reach the other side. There weren’t any signs saying this and we didn’t know this, so when we thanked her profusely, she said, “We are women of earth! We have to help each other!”

We went to Zeerovers Seafood, which was right on the water. They were bringing in fresh seafood right in wheelbarrows. It all looks gross to me, but my friends loved it.

We drove to the natural bridge, the gold mill ruins (both of these were just okay), saw the lighthouse but were too late to go up in it, and stopped at Burt’s Place as the sun was setting – it set just before 6:00 p.m. each night we were there.

That night we went to Fireson Brewing Company and ate at Amore Pizza Napoletana. I liked the areas these places were in because there were tons of people out and about.

Day three

I went running and stopped downtown to get coffee. On the way back, I was walking with my coffee in one hand and my phone in the other, talking to Kris, when I heard a bird squawk - and it landed on my head! I didn’t have a free hand, so I just screamed and it flew away. It really only touched my head. I told Kris what happened, and he said, “I’ve seen it before.” (This is true – this happened at my nephew’s outdoor baptism party!!! It was very unusual.)

Bird on head, 2022

We had booked tickets on the Jolly Pirates, which is a pirate ship. We were herded like cattle onto a tiny boat which took us to the ship. It was approximately a 30 second ride, but people around me were grumbling.

The guys on the boat introduced themselves and told what three stops we were making, and they were so incredibly good at their jobs. Funny, happy, entertainers – and they do this every day! We all wondered if it would be hard to keep it up – but there are worse jobs.

This was the most amazing part to me – the color of the water. It was so incredibly blue. I couldn’t get over it, and I never do. I love seeing water like that.

Our first stop was to snorkel at a shipwreck! They mentioned there were jellyfish, but they said they were the white jellyfish, which would leave you alone, not orange jellyfish, which would sting you.

Please note – unlike at home, this was just an aside. There were no directions on how to do anything, no warnings, no nothing – I found this very refreshing. It was also very casual. Some people snorkeled and jumped off and did everything, and some people just stayed on the boat. We got in the water, looked under – and there were SO MANY jellyfish! They were everywhere, but apparently deeper than we were. And so many fish! We also saw a giant sea turtle. We swam over to the shipwreck and saw it, which I really liked, and then the guides threw food to the fish right on top of me, so I felt like I was part of a school of fish!

We went to the next place to snorkel, and there wasn’t a jellyfish in sight. There were millions of small silvery fish. Aimee kicked back and said she saw an orange jellyfish, but I didn’t see it. A minute later while I had my head above water, I felt a burning pain in my arm and then my leg as a jellyfish brushed me. I knew I’d been stung, and this was a first for me! Happily, a jellyfish sting is nothing compared to a bee or hornet or yellowjacket or other types of stings where I’ve been on the receiving end. It was very mild and didn’t last long at all. I got some raised bumps, they disappeared in a few minutes, and that was it. I conquered the sea – ha!

The next stop, we jumped off the highest part of the ship, and then they got out the rope swing. Everyone cheered as people went off the rope swing high into the water. I was excited to do it, and have some experience from Kris’ family’s pond, and it felt fantastic. One guy did backflips off of it, and the guide put a woman on his back and did a backflip while she held on! It was impressive. They were playing music, people were dancing, and it was a really party atmosphere. By the time we got herded back into the little boat onto shore, no one was complaining anymore!

We jumped into the pool at our Airbnb, walked to Las Palmas Pier, walked to Eagle Beach, which is listed as one of the most beautiful but was just like all of them – beautiful, but this one was more crowded and a boat drove into the swimming area while we were swimming in it. We stopped at The Beach Bar to watch the sunset, then had dinner at Kalin’s Mexican Cuisine to top off the night.

Day three

We hiked up Hooiberg, which is .25 miles on stairs straight up to the highest point on Aruba. Pretty view! We saw a very tame parrot in the trees here, then on the way home we saw iguanas right in the street.

We were waiting for our ATV time, so we decided to go see the Casibari Rock formations, which were kind of interesting but just okay when compared to everything around them.

We had an ATV tour with About Aruba. We didn’t think about it ahead of time, but we were really happy that they had tops so we were in the shade, because we saw people on 4-wheeler tours, and have I mentioned that IT WAS HOT IN THE SUN?

It started at this sort of animal rescue that was pretty depressing. By the time we got to register, one woman had to go back to her hotel because she was overheating, and another little girl was crying because she was so hot. How can I say this – it’s hot there.

But then! We got in our ATVs and started out! In a line of 10 vehicles, with a guide on each end, we went to a chapel where the guide told us that there are four official languages in Aruba, and that there are no lifeguards on the island because everyone has to learn to swim. Interesting.

Then…off roading! I didn’t know I’d like it so much. When I drive vehicles, I usually am the one that owns them, so I am careful not to be too rough on it. In fact I baby my vehicles and try to take turns and bumps very carefully. This was the complete opposite, as you have to keep up with the group, so you’re charging over rocks and up hills and around corners as fast as you possibly can go. It was loud, incredibly dusty, and fun! I especially loved when there was a straight shot and you could really get your speed up. Aimee and I switched off driving our two seater.

We made lots of stops – including at another rock cliff to jump in, and then you got to swim in a cave. Lovely. We then went to a beach with huge waves and stood in them as we tried not to get knocked over.

Aimee was idling, getting ready to go, and our ATV just died. The guide came over and just started it back up again. A few minutes later we came around a bend and saw what was next – driving though a river! I was surprised how deep it looked – like if I were driving in the wild I would not think you could make it. (Again, this was not announced or referenced and was just a total surprise – so different.) Aimee charged right though! I got completely soaked, especially my shoes. Then – our ATV died. The guide had trouble starting it for us again, but after two tries, he got it. We watched Laurie drive her and Alicia through – so fun.

I was up for driving next, and as I started to climb this super steep incline, I was determined our ATV was not going to die, so I just kept the pedal to the metal. Before we could make it up, our ATV just stopped working. I held it down, but nothing. We started to slip back, and the guide came behind us and used his ATV to push ours up the hill! That was enough, so he just traded us vehicles. We were worried about him falling behind, but he just kept restarting it. We thought his would be nicer than ours, but the only difference was…it had a speedometer! We were going 64 kilometers per hour, which when you put it that way, doesn’t seem fast, but I assure you it was with the wind and sand in your eyes and teeth!

We were returning and had to go on some roundabouts, and it took all my strength to turn the vehicle. I thought it just didn’t have power steering. After about 15 minutes of this, when the guide saw it, he came and switched it from 4 wheel drive to 2 wheel drive. So much easier!

We got back and laughed and laughed, because we were so incredibly dirty. I had so much sunscreen on my face that the dirt had mixed with it to make it look like I was airbrushed. Our clothes were covered with dirt. Alicia had so much dirt on her face between her eyebrows that Aimee said she looked like Frieda Kahlo. The dirt swirled down the drain in the shower. Really fun activity!

We ate at Los Tacos and ended the night by dancing to 90s hits at Kambria and Mexican music at South Beach.  

Day four

I started running before the sun came up, because did I mention IT IS A HOT SUN? I ran on the beach to Eagle Beach, and everything was even prettier in the morning.

We went to Linda’s Dutch Pancakes, which they had everywhere, and are similar to crepes. We didn’t have to be back to the airport yet, so we drove to San Nicholas to see their 70 murals. The mural artists were very talented, and it was a very different part of the island than the parts by our beaches, in part because there were very few people outside, maybe because it was so hot, haha.

Aimee had to have the car back by 1:30 p.m. so we wouldn’t be charged an extra day, and I said I’d go with her, and everyone joked with me because I like to get to the airport early. Laurie and Alicia decided to stay to go to the island’s oldest bar, Charlie’s, before going to the airport. They asked, and the man at the visitor’s center said he would be happy to call a taxi for them.

Aimee and I were at the airport when we got a message from Alicia – “So all the taxis are 30 minutes away and we are now trying to take the bus. Wish us luck!” Followed closely by, “Okay very important. We are now riding with a random person. I will send you a picture of the license plate in case we end up dead.” I asked for a picture of the person, as I thought it would be easier to identify. Alicia said they met him at the bus station, and a woman told us he’s safe. I asked if the character reference had a name? Alicia replied, “Ghislaine Maxwell.” Aimee and I laughed so hard a woman near us had to get up and move.

Of course the very kind man brought them safely to the airport and they made their flights. Thanks for Aruban hospitality!

I love these girls and I loved this adventure. I’ll have plenty of pictures and this lingering sunburn to remember it by.  

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Chicago with WMU girls

For the last few years, I've gotten together with my friends from Western Michigan University in Chicago. As we're coming from Indiana, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Michigan, it's a great meeting point!


I picked up Erica at her parents' house and we parked in Michigan City at the train station. There was a sign that told us that we'd have to get off the train and get on a bus at one point. Erica asked me about it, and I told her it didn't apply to us. Guess what? It did. At one point we had to get off the train, they immediately led us to a bus, we got on that bus, and then got off and back onto a train. The conductors led us, because they also had to do it, and there was no pausing for bathrooms, eating, or slowing down. It was actually very efficient. They told us they've been working on the tracks and it's been this way for two years. We also had to wait for a train to pass us on the tracks...in retrospect, I would have driven closer to Chicago before getting on the train - probably to Hammond. Free parking and cheap tickets on the South Shore Line! Worked great, really. 

We stayed at the Marriott Downtown, which is really a great location on Michigan Ave. We just walked from the train station to our hotel. I'd gotten suggestions on where to go from a woman who lives there, so we went to eat at the Green Door, which we liked, and then went down to the Drifter, which we also liked! I especially enjoyed that it had a secret door. We walked back to our hotel for the night.


I got up early and ran to Navy Pier along the river. I have all good memories of Navy Pier, and I love Lake Michigan. The water was so blue, and it was wonderful. I love this place.

We walked to have breakfast at Yolk, which is a good chain, and I had an awesome breakfast burrito. We shopped along the Magnificent Mile. We were at Marshall's and I looked at some shoes I liked. I looked at the box for the price tag and the name of the shoe was CARLA. Of course I bought them - they literally had my name on them!

We went in Sugar, a cool-looking candy store I've never seen, plus other fancy stores along the way. 

Then we went to our reservation at The Museum of Ice Cream, which I'd never heard of before Aletha suggested we go there. It was heavenly! Different ice cream in every room, fun activities in every room, beautiful scenes, and even...hot dog flavored ice cream, complete with a bun, mustard, and relish! It ended in the sprinkle pool, which was a giant room with a pool full of sprinkle-shaped pieces of plastic. There was one hidden in there with hearts on it, and the person who found it got a free ice cream sundae. A little girl found it and she was so happy. Honestly, I looked for it, but I don't know if I could have stuffed down any more ice cream at this point. I was very full and very happy! This place is SUCH a good idea, and we had so much fun.

Our friend Sarah who lives there had made us reservations at Happy Camper, which was full of campers and Christmas lights and even had swings at the bar! It was a fun atmosphere and the pizza was great. We stopped by Sarah's apartment, and then we went to Bassment. As soon as I walked in, I realized I'd been there before! The singer said he was going to give a free drink to people, and he asked if anyone was named Tiffany. Yes, there was! She had to meet him at the bar with her license. He went through a few more names...Penelope, no. Gwen, no. Carla...YES! Chicago just had my name on it.

The band and singers were so enthusiastic, and we danced and danced with everyone else in the place. So fun. We took an uber back - at first to the wrong hotel, then to the correct hotel - and called it a night.


I woke up early and walked to the Bean, which is under construction, but still pretty. We got on our respective trains, and it seemed much faster to get back than it took to get there, in part because we didn't have to wait on the tracks.

Thanks for the ice cream and dancing Chicago! I'll be back! 

Nashville Meeting

Kris had a meeting in Nashville over his birthday, so I went with him!

Day one

We stayed at the Marriott Downtown, and I ran right to the pedestrian bridge as soon as we got there. It's just so pretty! I ran/walked to Vanderbilt, because although I had been to campus once, I didn't remember it. All the students were out in the sun, not studying, having a great time. I saw the iconic tower and walked around inside and outside the brick buildings. 

I stopped at Elliston Place Soda Shop, and sat at the counter. It looked straight out of the past. The prices were also from the past...for eggs and a biscuit I paid $5.99. Amazing! 

I walked from there to the Parthenon, and for the first time I paid to see the art inside. I was really impressed! Not only did they have interesting pieces, but upstairs they had a giant - and I mean giant - statue of Athena. Totally worth the $10!

I met up with my friend Molly (and met her dog Frankie) and we walked all around Centennial Park. There's a bench that's a tribute to Taylor Swift, water, ducks, people, and swings to sit on when you want to talk! It was a wonderful place to hang out with Molly.

Kris and I had dinner with board friends at The Row Kitchen & Pub, and they even gave Kris a free dessert for his birthday, which I wanted and ate most of!

Our friends Erica and Jesse, who live in Indiana, just happened to be there, so we met up with them out on Broadway. We walked in and out of places, listening to the live music - which I love! It's just an exciting atmosphere with music pouring out of every place.

Day two

I ran to the capitol building and gave myself a little tour alongside the many classes there. The capitol building is set way up high on a hill, and it has lots to see around it on the grounds - Polk's grave, art displays, and a really beautiful display of the state's timeline. I really enjoyed exploring this area and spent a lot of time here.

I ran to the farmer's market, which had an indoor area, too. (Obviously more active in the summer - they have a setup for a huge outdoor area that was empty.) I ran back to Broadway and got ice cream at Jeni's Ice Creams, which was actually not my favorite. I had to work some, but I got tickets for later in the day to the Country Music Hall of Fame, since it was conveniently right across the street from our hotel. I didn't know many people on the second floor (old country), but I knew many more on the first floor (more modern, some Taylor Swift and Toby Keith, who had just died.) I couldn't help but to compare this to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, which I liked better, but maybe that's just because I like the music more.

Kris got out of the meeting and we went up to the rooftop of Tootsies, which we both like. I love rooftop places! We went to dinner with our meeting friends to 'The Standard', and then out again on Broadway, hitting up many places based on if we liked their bands. It was interesting being out on a Wednesday night, because it seemed as if they were the bands that weren't quite as good as the weekend bands...but of course better than anywhere else you see!

Day three

I ran to Nissan Stadium across the pedestrian bridge again, then along the river and stopping when I hit a homeless encampment. It was a really nice place - I can see why people would pitch their tents there. The skyline of the city is also really pretty from the river. It was a quick trip to the airport and we made it home in time to see our son be part of the Guy/Girl dance at 7:00 p.m. that night. 

Even though I've been to Nashville many times, there were so many new places to see and things to do! It's a fun city for sure.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Michigan Wine Country

The weather and conditions on Michigan's West coast are perfectly suited for growing fruit. Kris and I had taken the boys on vacation in this area before and enjoyed all the blueberries. This time, Kate organized a weekend for her friends that concentrated on wine.

When I say organized, I mean every detail. She made all the reservations, rented a bus, sent us all an itinerary with links...everything. That's not even mentioning the gift bags she gave us and coordinating our outfits!

She rented an Airbnb in Bridgman that was about five miles away from Warren Dunes State Park, and when we got there on Friday a bunch of us went to hike there. We couldn't find the exact hike we were looking for, but it didn't matter at all - we just walked along the beach and found a different trail through the woods. There's no way to go wrong here. Huge dunes, pretty lake, beautiful snow!

We got all dressed up and went out for dinner - Kate had made reservations at the Navajo Bar and Grill. We were definitely the youngest and loudest people there, and everyone was really nice. 

The next morning, Kate made us all breakfast burritos. It was a real feast. Andrea, Emmie, and I went running along the vineyards! 

We all got dressed in our winter neutrals and got on the bus - Grape and Grain Tours. (Kate told me we also got a small discount on the Airbnb for using them. Our driver was very kind and took lots of pictures for us!) We first went to Round Barn Winery. This place was my favorite, as I've always seen the billboard but never been. It was beautiful inside and out! We sat at big tables in a giant room. Good atmosphere. 

Second, we went to Red Top. Here, we stood along a long giant bar in a modern room. We chose what wines we wanted to try by putting chips on a card. 

Third, we went to Dablon, and we had reservations for the igloos! They were pretty, and warm, and I loved being outside in them.

While we were there, the server asked Kate some questions, and it was obvious that she thought she was the more-famous Kate Upton. All the perks of someone thinking you're a celebrity and her friends! 

On the bus, Kate had arranged to have delicious charcuterie boards for us, and last we went to Hickory Creek Winery. We had a tasting set up here, but we ended it quickly because we wanted to make our dinner reservations at Lake Street Eats. The chef came out and talked to us, and Kate said that always happens ... we said only if you're named Kate Upton!

We went in the hot tub back at our house, and it was the perfect way to end the day and weekend. 

Houston, Texas

Our family lives in Houston - Kris' sister Meghan, husband Jon, and kids Anna, William, and Benjamin. Kris' parents live half the year in Burnet, TX. Jon wrote a book - Redefine Your Servant Leadership, available here - and I had a very small part in it as an editor. As a thank you, Jon and Meghan flew us to the book launch party! What an amazing way to thank someone!! We were thrilled.

Though I've been to Houston, I've never been to their new house. We flew Spirit from Detroit to Houston for the low low price of $90! My father in law picked us up and navigated the traffic to their house. It was warm, there were palm trees, and it felt great. Jon's family came too - his parents, aunts, and uncle. 

Friday Jon and I ran to the bayou, a sort of river that borders their neighborhood. Kris and I took the little boys to Levy Park. We missed the exit and took a very busy highway to get there, but then - poof! We were in a neighborhood. The park was wonderful. Ping pong, putt putt, games, food trucks, and a cement slide and rolling turf hills that were just the right amount of fun and dangerous. 

Kris and I picked up Anna from school, went home, and got ready for the party. It was incredibly fun and we got to meet all the friends and colleagues we've heard about for years! (This was also my first book launch party. Highly recommend. So proud of Jon - he built his business from scratch.)

On Saturday, we got bagels from The Bagel Shop, and I have never seen them this colorful! Soooo attractive! We all went to the Houston Zoo. I haven't been to many zoos, and this is the best one I've ever seen. It was also set up so well. We stood under a water arch as sea lions swam above us, we saw lions, elephants, jaguar, and so many more close up, and it was wide open and great for walking. Meghan and her family have a pass, and she said they come all the time. It was also within a park which was really pretty.

After spending the morning there, we went to The Pit Room for some Texas BBQ. I am a recent eater of BBQ, and this place was great. Tasty, juicy, messy, priced right.

We spent the afternoon playing with kids, watching football, taking a nap, walking - depending on who you were - and then everyone congregated at their house for food from El Tiempo Cantina, one of their favorite places. They had their friends and kids over, and it was delicious and fun.

The adults all went to The Rustic to hear live music. It was such a cool place! Giant, bison and skulls on the walls, indoor/outdoor area, swings, a dirt floor, and a great band! We all danced, and I was perfectly happy. 

We saw people were eating giant desserts so we got 11 spoons for peanut butter pie and a smores creation. I thought I was full, but I managed to have a lot of both.

I drove Jon's car home on the giant highways, and they were pretty empty and easy to navigate. 

Thank you to SO MUCH Jon and Meghan for showing us Houston!