Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Eau Claire, Wisconsin

My sister Tracy is running a marathon in every state, and I thought I'd tag along on her Wisconsin one. Our friend Amy decided to come too! Amy and Tracy are seasoned marathoners. This was Tracy's 40th, and 35th state. Amy has done many all over the world, and this was my fifth.

Amy and I drove together from Michigan, and Tracy drove from Kansas. Flying here was really expensive, so this seemed the best choice.  

We stayed at an Airbnb on Barstow Street, and it was a perfect location, because we could walk everywhere - including to the race start and restaurants. It had more than a lot of Airbnbs, including condiments, coffee, and ... two EpiPens! 

We walked to packet pickup, and we were going to go to a brewery, but like in many towns, they didn't also serve food. So, we chose The District Pub & Grill, and it was delicious. Tracy had a cheese curd pizza. So dairy-focused, Wisconsin! 

Amy signed up for the Friday 10K and 5K. While cheering her on, Tracy and I admired the many beautiful bridges in Eau Claire. There's a giant river flowing right through the middle of town, and it's very picturesque. 

We went to bed early because...the marathon was the next day.

Leading up to this marathon, I was apprehensive, because I ruined my toenails wearing cute boots. They didn't send me pain signals that the shoes hurt - I think they may have been numb - but afterward they turned purple, bled a lot, and hurt to have shoes touch them. So, I cut out the toes of my running shoes because they barely grazed the top of my toes. It worked! So, I was fully confident about them.

The weather was not promising. It was kind of rainy, 44 degrees, and really windy. They said gusts up to 22 miles per hour. Oh well!

Tracy and I started off together, and it was great at first. The first four miles felt wonderful. Tracy and I parted ways, and at mile seven I started to feel off. At mile 12 I started walking, which I have never done in a marathon. I thought I'd just walk a little and build up my energy. But it never really built back up! Even though I did the same training, marathon plan, and everything else, I just didn't have any energy, and I walk/ran the rest of the race.

The support along the race was wonderful. So many volunteers, great food and drink along the way, music, people was like the whole town was out, even until the bitter end! I saw three people dressed up as cows, and I appreciate their dedication to dairy (once again) in this state.

Something I've never seen with any race - through AI they made everyone a personal video and emailed it to us afterward. Loved it. 

Amy had a PR! I met up with Tracy as she finished, and Amy picked us up. We hung out at the house awhile (sleeping, showering, recovering) before rallying and heading out on the town.

Brewing Projekt

Lots of runners here, great atmosphere, nice place. Lots of dogs, since there is no food here.

Lazy Monk

Not my favorite kind of place, pretty old school. Tracy joined Amy and me here.


I absolutely loved it here. Tracy and I each got a giant ham and cheese stuffed pretzel, and it was heavenly. I could only eat half that day. Great service too.

Modicum Brewing

This one was also just okay. Just mid, which is what the name made me think too, even though that's not the definition.

Eau Claire has a college, the town was fun, there were places to go, things to do, sights to see. I give it a huge thumbs up. Thank you Eau Claire!