Monday, February 10, 2020

Orlando & Universal Islands of Adventure - Ride Reviews & Tips

I have the same interests as 12 and 9-year-old boys.

I certainly didn't see enough of Orlando this time around to give you a full report.  In the past, I was in Orlando the first and only time I went into iFly Orlando for indoor skydiving.  If you haven't gone indoor skydiving, stop what you're doing and go to one.  It's all the fun of skydiving with none of the fear of falling to your death!

(Don't get me wrong ... I totally want to go skydiving, as soon as I work up enough nerve and plan and book the entire experience.  Or hint, hint.  My birthday is coming up.)

But!  Kris had a meeting in Orlando and the boys and I tagged along.  Since the meeting was at the DoubleTree at the Entrance to Universal Orlando, Kris declared that we had to go.  It was in the hotel name!  We couldn't get closer!

The boys and I had one day to be there.  After asking a lot of people, checking out the rides, and discussing it, we chose Islands of Adventure.  Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure looked equally cool, but we were swayed due to internet reviews.

Tip - You should totally download the Universal Studios app, because as you're waiting in line, you can check the app to see how long the lines are at other rides.  This really helped us plan.

Hagrid's Motorbike Adventure
The woman at the hotel gave us the option of riding the free shuttle or walking to the park.  TOTALLY take the shuttle.  The traffic was crazy, and even though it was walking distance, the shuttle was super convenient.

We got to the park before it opened and got in line.  When we got it, we ran to Hagrid's Motorbike Ride, and our run through the park was kind of magical.  The music was playing, we were all running together, and Cole said, "I feel like we're in a movie!"

We waited only 25 minutes, and that was with a delay when it broke down for about ten minutes.

The ride was AWESOME.  Surprising, scary, and super fun!  I spent a lot of time screaming.  Just our speed!

We went back later in the day to ride it again, and the wait was 55 minutes.  This time, we took in all the details of the line that we hadn't even noticed before.  There was a movie that told a whole story that we never saw.  The attention to detail - down to the vines growing into the windows - was like we were on a movie set.  I love how they entertain you IN line!  The second time was just as fun as the first.  This was my favorite ride.

Skull Island: Reign of Kong
We ran on over to Skull Island, Reign of Kong.  This was a 3-D thrill ride.  It was thrilling!  I wasn't sure what it would be like, but my brain totally agreed with the video and moving that these things were really happening to me.  The real effects - I honestly don't want to spoil the surprise for you - were also super cool and convincing.  This was my second favorite ride.

We rode this one twice, too, once at first and then later after we'd ridden everything.  The first time we had no line, and the second time we waited in line a long time.  As a result, we spent time with the animatronic, creepy, chanting old lady.  It was so cool!  Cole really liked the creepiness.  The funny thing was, Ty didn't even remember rushing past her the first time!

The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man
It was obvious to all of us that this was an older ride, first because the wait in line wasn't as amazing.  It did have a movie and Spider-Man-related items, but it was nothing at the level of the news rides.  The ride itself was great, though!  Another 3-D thrill ride, and again, I totally believed it was happening.

The Incredible Hulk Coaster
Max wasn't tall enough to ride this one, unfortunately.  For the other three of us, though, it was amazing.  It is a scary, wild roller coaster - more on the scary side than the fun side at first, but then crossing over to the fun side.  And I love roller coasters!  Cole and Ty rode this three times together. If you like roller coasters, this is for you.  If you hate roller coasters, stick to the simulated rides.

Note - you can take NOTHING on this ride.  Not even pocket change.  There are free lockers right across from the line to get in.  The bar code on your ticket is how they work.  You scan the bar code and a locker pops open.  You shut it, and when you return, you scan it again and it pops open.  Genius!  The other rides were not like this - you could take things as long as they were in say, zippered pockets.  Not so on this ride, for good reason.

Poseidon's Fury
This was described as a walk-through, so we didn't know what to expect.  What it was like was being in a movie, where lots of activity was happening around you, and the actor leading it was acting his little heart out.  This is not a ride, and it's not as thrilling as the others, but it is an interesting walk through, and also worth it after you've gotten your thrills on the other rides.

Dr. Doom's Fear Fall
There was NO line here, and we couldn't believe it!  Before we went, we all really wanted to ride this, because it looked so scary.  Then we rode it and ... we all looked at each other.  It wasn't scary!  We were the most scared before it started, and then it just...fizzled out.  Feel free to skip this one.

Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey
Dementors!  Dementors!  This was a thrill, 3-D ride, and it was fun.  It wasn't as scary - like we only wanted to ride it once - but it was definitely fun.  We waited 55 minutes for this one, and we really liked the line entertainment again.  Really above and beyond.

Also, the entire Harry Potter area is super cool.  And Universal's idea to make it two parks so you have to go to both?  Brilliant!  We didn't because we only had one day, but I can totally see how you would want to do that.  (Ty, Cole, and I have all read and loved Harry Potter - I just read them for the first time two years ago.  I'd say we're fans but not SUPER fans, and this is for both types of people.)

Jurassic Park River Adventure
Before we got on this, I asked the attendant if there was a locker I could put my phone in, because I didn't want it to get wet.  He said, "The splashing just happens above your waist, so I wouldn't worry about it."  I put it in a ziplock bag and put it in my pocket.

Um ... we got completely soaked.  For instance, I was wearing a fleece, and I was legitimately wringing it out for about 30 minutes following the ride.  I'm so glad that I had a plastic bag for my phone!  I was wearing jeans and they didn't dry THE REST OF THE DAY.  So...this is a great summer ride.  It was exciting and fun.  This is a questionable fleece-wearing, jean-wearing ride.  (I mean, I'm glad I rode it, but consider this a warning that the 'splashing' is a lot like a 'dunking fully clothed under water.')

My kids were wearing lighter clothes, so they dried pretty quickly.  There were full body $5 dryers outside of the rides if you want that, too.  (Convenient, but come on'll air dry and you'll like it!)

After we had ridden all of these, we considered the day a success.  It took us from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. to ride all of these.  After that we re-rode the ones we liked or went on ones we didn't consider at first, like...

Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls
Okay, so I was already soaked, and I didn't really want to get more wet.  I really wanted a cup of coffee.  So while I got that, the boys rode this ride.  If it was hot, yes, yes, yes!  They came off soaked.  They looked as if they had stood under a shower.  They were dripping.  They loved it.

Flight of the Hippogriff
We had time, so we waited an hour for this ride.  It was not exciting and super short.  We couldn't believe how short it was.  Don't waste your time on this one.  Glance at it as you're running by and perhaps yell a warning to the people waiting.  "Not worth it!"

Storm Force Accelotron
I don't normally love rides that spin, but Max wanted me to go on this one with him, and it was fun.  It didn't make me dizzy or want to sit down with my head between my knees.  So, a success!

Pteranodon Flyers
I feel like Universal wasn't thinking when they designed this one.  Two people can ride at once, and you need one-on-one physical assistance doing the buckles to get in and out.  The line took forever.  It was fun, especially at night, but ... what were they thinking?  Isn't the point to get people in and out as quickly as possible?  The recording in line kept stressing how short the ride actually is - I guess so people aren't disappointed.  It is also completely a kid's ride.  The riders can only be between two heights and only one adult can ride with a child.  No adults can ride it without a child of a specific height.  Feel free to skip all together.

This wasn't a thrill ride and it wasn't a 3-D simulator, but Max and I went on it and had a really good time.  Being in Seuss land was just like being in one of the books.  Worth it if you have a few minutes.

It was fleece weather, so I just brought candy and granola bars in my pockets.  We were in the park from 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. - open to close, and we just ate what I had in my pockets.  The boys joked that in the beginning of the day I looked pregnant, but by the end I had delivered the baby.  We did this last time we went to Disneyland also, which really works out for us.  As I said, the rides are the biggest deal for us, so this allowed us the most amount of time to do it all.

We ran to the shuttle and rode it home.  It was a wonderful day.  Thanks, Orlando!